Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wow, how fast time flies by!

I cannot believe it has been nearly 10 months since my last blog post!  My how true it is how fast time flies by!  In my last post I included pictures of Ethan at 4 months old and now he is almost 15 months!  In place of almost a year's worth of missing posts, I will provide you this update post and a promise to keep my blog more up-to-date in the future!  :)

A recap in the last 10 months of the Aasby household:
February 2011 - In February I became an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One!  I was invited to a Thirty-One party in January and loved all of the products.  Knowing we obviously could not afford for me to buy all of them on just Brent's income I decide to sign up as an independent consultant to receive a discount on the products.  Becoming a Thirty-One independent consultant has also offered me the wonderful opportunity to earn a little extra income for our household, as well as getting me out of the house to have a little girl time (which is much needed since my days are filled with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!)  Feel free to check out my website at
March 2011  - Ethan got his first two teeth (within days of each other!)  He looked so cute with his new little pearly whites!  :)  He also started waving bye-bye...melt my heart!

April 2011 - Brent and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary.  My wonderful sister, Connie, babysat Ethan so we were able to go out to dinner to celebrate!  I cannot believe we have already been married two years.  I'm sure that every year I will probably say this exact same thing with the only change being the number of years we have been married!

May 2011 - Ethan started walking using his sit-to-stand car.  He also took his first steps at the end of the month!  Look out world - Ethan is almost ready to start walking!!!

June 2011 - At the end of the month Ethan started walking all on his own!  From this point on there was no stopping him and he became quite the little adventurer!

July 2011 - July was a busy month!  On July 4th I turned 30 years I was just typing that I accidentally typed that I turned 20 years old...hmm, perhaps that is how old I was wishing I really was?  ;)  The day before my birthday Connie offered to babysit Ethan so Brent and I could go to a movie and out to eat.  After the movie I noticed a text from Connie saying that Ethan would not stop crying or take his bottle so she wanted to know if we could stop home first to calm him down before we went out to eat.  Brent didn't really seem to want to go home, but I told him we'd just go home and I'd nurse Ethan quick and then we could go to Red Lobster.  When we got home I went up the stairs and was welcomed home by "SURPRISE!" and the smiling faces of my family and friends.  Connie has planned a surprise birthday party for me!  The best part of it was that Ethan was actually a very good boy for Auntie, had not been crying at all and had drank his entire bottle - what a wonderful present for this mommy!

At the end of July we traveled to Montana for the 10th Annual Erickson Family Reunion at the Montana Wilderness School of the Bible.  I had only met a few of the Ericksons (Brent's mom's mom's side of the family) so it was a wonderful time of meeting new family (well for Ethan and me anyway!)  Brent and I, along with two other couples, are in charge of planning the next reunion for 2016!  Oh boy!!

After the reunion, we stopped at Glacier National Park for a few days.  Ethan and I had never been there so it was a great time!  Glacier had so much snow late in the season this year that there were some spots (that are usually green and lush with flowers) that were still covered in snow!
On the way home we also stopped by Frontier, SK (in Canada) to visit some of Harold's relatives.  I had never met these relatives and it had been years since I had been to Canada!  Ethan seemed to enjoy his first visit to another country as well.  ;)  This was also Ethan's first long road trip and he was such a good boy!!!

August 2011 - Ethan turned 1 year old on August 19th!  It is funny how turning 1 year just made him seem like so much more of a big boy!  He had a wonderful 1st birthday party filled with family, friends, many presents (aka TOYS) and CAKE!  :D

September 2011  - In September Ethan and I went on a play date with a friend to the Red River Valley Zoo.  This was Ethan's first visit to a zoo and he loved looking at all of the animals.  The Red River Valley Zoo isn't all that exciting of a zoo but Ethan had a great time anyway (even though he was also suffering from a cold!  That's my little trooper!) 

Ethan also had his first injury at the end of September.  His little foot/ankle got caught underneath my leg as we were going down the slide at the park one Saturday afternoon.  He would not put any weight on his foot so a few days later I took him in to the doctor and he had his first X-ray.  To say he did not want to cooperate is a huge understatement!  They were able to finally get a clear picture though and everything looked good - what a relief! 

The doctor assured me that Ethan would start walking on it again and to just give it a couple days.  He finally started walking on it but then he was limping!  At first this seemed normal but after a week had passed and he was still limping I decided to take him to my chiropractor.  Wonderful Dr. Jennifer Sabourin checked Ethan over and said she thought it was something with the meniscus in his knee.  She did an adjustment on his knee and a few days later he was back to normal.  This is why I love my chiropractor!  :D

October 2011 - Ethan went trick-or-treating at West Acres Mall.  He was an ADORABLE puppy dog and such a trooper - he even left the hood part of his costume up the entire time!  Unfortunately the material on the bottom of his costume was slippery on the nicely waxed floor so Brent had to carry Ethan around to all of the different stores.  Next year I will try to get a costume where walking (indoors and outdoors) will be possible!  He didn't really understand the whole concept of trick-or-treating; however, as soon as we were done he took his little pumpkin and dug in it for candy.  Apparently he did understand that people were putting yummy goodies in his pumpkin though!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ethan Turns 4 Months Old

Ethan turned 4 months old on 12/19/10.  Of course I'm way behind on posting pictures, but at least I'm getting around to it before he turns 5 months!  :)  We had our usual photo shoot to commemorate this occasion.  Ethan is now getting a bit more active during our shoots and tries to grab for the camera many times.  He has also figured out that there is a sticker on his onesie (I have decals for each month that just stick onto his clothes for easy removal) and has started trying to remove it.  Even though every time I put the decal on I say to him, "Now Ethan, NO playing with the sticker and trying to pull it off.  We need to leave it on!"  :)
I love his face in this one!

Give me that camera!

Mama, what are you up to?

Friday, January 14, 2011


I am TERRIBLE at keeping this blog up-to-date!  I am going to try really hard in the next couple of days to add some posts!!  Some things for you to look forward to are the following:
  • Ethan turns 4 months old!
  • Baby's 1st Christmas
  • Crawling already?!
And I'm sure by the time I actually get those blogs completed Ethan will be turning (or will have already turned) 5 months old, so you can probably look forward to those pictures as well!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

3 Months

Well since Ethan is now almost 4 months old I thought it was about time I posted his 3 month pictures!  :)  We took Ethan to JCPenney for his 3 month professional pics.  He fussed at first and then did what he usually does and stared at the camera...unfortunately, we did not capture any smiles.  The pictures below are the ones we purchased, but if you'd like to see all the photos they took you can view them here.

What's that thing?

I think I can grab the camera...

I want to put that camera in my mouth...

Are we done yet?

Cute little feet!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Faith - Hope - Love - Family

The Aasby 2010 Christmas Card
Faith Hope Family Religious Christmas Card
Personalize the christmas season with Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's almost that time of year...

It's almost that time of year when the Christmas cards start pouring in.  I've been thinking about where we should get our own family Christmas card through this year.  Last year I made them at Target, which was very fast and easy since I was still working there.  However, since I am no longer working (and find that having a baby means it is sometimes hard to go places exactly when I want!), I am thinking I'll just order our cards online this year.  That way they will be mailed right to me!    
I was looking through a friend's blog and came across a link for a great promotion through Shutterfly.  If you are a blogger as well, you might be interested in checking out the promotion too.  All you need to do is blog about Shutterfly's Holiday Card promotion and you'll receive 50 free cards!!!  How cool is that?!  I've been looking at the 2010 Christmas and Holiday Card options and there are so many cute ones it is going to be very hard to decide!!  Some of my faves are Christ Wishes, Christ is King, Nativity Blessing and Elegant Cross.  Now I just hope we can get a good family photo so we have something to put on our Christmas card!
P.S. For those of you that seem to always be late at sending your Christmas cards, Shutterfly also offers New Year's cards so that might be a better option for you!  :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm a little pea pod

Ethan went trick or treating for the first time last Sunday (Halloween).  He didn't really do so much "trick or treating"; it was more "lounging in the stroller" and "having Mom carry me."

When I bought his costume I just thought "Ethan's going to be a pea pod; he will be so cute!"  I didn't really think about the fact that a pea pod does not have legs, which meant strapping Ethan into his car seat while wearing the costume was pretty much impossible.  So Brent and I had to do a little costume dressing in the parking lot of West Acres. 

Unfortunately, I don't think Ethan loved his costume all that much, mainly because he wasn't able to kick in it.  I originally bought him a 0-3 month size.  However, when I tried to put that on him I realized it would not be long enough so I purchased a 3-6 month size.  I attempted to try it on him in advance but he kicked his legs so much during my attempt that I gave up figuring it would for sure fit him since he wouldn't even be 3 months old yet and the costume was 3-6 months, right?  Wrong.  Well, he fit into it, just to the very end of it! 

The head part of his pea pod costume was a little too big so it didn't want to stay up on its own and the body part of the costume was too short so Ethan couldn't kick and he LOVES doing that!  Thankfully we were only at the mall for about 30 minutes and then he got to take off his costume.

My nephews, Cooper and Cole, with Ethan...I think Ethan is wondering, "Where is my sucker?!"

Daddy and Mommy with Ethan...Brent and I decided to go trick or treating as made finding costumes really easy! 

Grandpa and Grandma Tang stopped by the mall to see the grandchildren!  Unfortunately, Ethan wasn't in a very smiley mood!  :(
All in all it was a pretty successful first attempt at trick or treating.  Let's hope next year (when Ethan's legs will probably be doing more walking than kicking!) will go just as well!!