Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mommy's Little Pumpkin & Daddy's Little Monster

This week I've been putting Ethan in all of the different Halloween outfits that I have for him.  Of course this also means that I need to take a ton of pictures in each outfit.  I don't think Ethan finds the photo shoots to be nearly as much fun as I do!  He is a good sport though!  :)

On Monday he was Mommy's Little Pumpkin.

We went shopping at Target and Walmart together and Ethan was a very good little boy for Mommy.  I didn't have to hold him at all while we were shopping and he even fell asleep while we shopped at Walmart.  See, he already knows that Target is a much more exciting place to shop than Walmart.  ;)

On Wednesday he was Daddy's Little Monster.  

I had a dentist appointment so I dropped off Ethan to Brent at work.  Ethan was a good boy for Daddy while Mommy was gone...except for spitting up all over his onesie...perhaps he no longer wanted to be called a little monster?!
On Sunday Ethan is going trick or treating as a ... 
well you'll have to check back to find out!!

A Day of Firsts

Last Friday we decided to try out a few new things on Ethan...

He seemed to really enjoy his Prince Lionheart seat (similar to a Bumbo seat) but he doesn't quite have complete head control yet.  Once he gets that down I think he'll like it even more!  

After this we decided to try out his activity gym. 

He wasn't quite sure about it. 


He liked the big blinking sun that changes colors and plays music, but he wasn't as big of fan of the other stuff.  At one point he got scared my everything that was hanging down.  I suppose it might be a bit overwhelming to have so many things suddenly in your face!  

Daddy playing with Ethan

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who needs a pacifier?

Ethan has never really been a big fan of pacifiers.  He sucked on them a little bit at the hospital and he took one last week when he had his cold but other than that he really does not like them.  He normally has one of two reactions when you give him a pacifier.  He either laughs because he thinks it tickles and you are playing with him or he makes a face as if he's disgusted and then starts screaming.  The latter one usually occurs when he is very tired. 

He has always enjoyed sucking on his hands but recently he has found his thumb!  He greatly enjoys sucking on his thumb and I think he's actually quite proud of himself that he is able to get it in his mouth.  :)

Yesterday, I took some pictures of him sucking on his thumb because he just looked so cute!  I am hoping to also get pictures of his two reactions to the pacifier.  The laughing one shouldn't be too hard but the screaming one might be a bit more of a challenge!  :) 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

2 Months Already?!

Ethan turned 2 months old yesterday.  How did he get so big so fast?!  We took our usual monthly photos and Ethan was in a great mood during them and was a very good boy.
Unfortunately, I did not capture enough of his smiles.  He's a sneaky little one and always seems to stop smiling the minute I hold up the camera or my cell phone.  He will be smiling and when I hold up the camera he just stops and stares.  It really is quite adorable but a little annoying when I'm trying to document his lovely smiles!  :)

Today Ethan went to the doctor for his 2 month checkup.  Everything went well until the shots part of the appointment.  Poor little guy's face turned bright red and he just screamed.  :(  His doctor was very impressed with how he can hold his head up so well and that he is already able to roll over from his tummy to his back.  She was also amazed by his long lashes and his nurse said that he has the softest cheeks she has ever felt.  :)  Ethan already weighs 13 pounds, 2 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long!  He has grown so much from his birth at 8 pounds, 8 ounces and 20 inches.  He is getting to be such a big boy!!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well they used to be cute...

I did laundry today.  I opened up the washer after the second load was finished and I thought, "I didn't think I washed that many pink items!"  That is probably because I had not and all of my "whites" were now pink!!  I couldn't figure out what happened because I had washed all of my pink items before and I knew they did not bleed.  I had also put a color catcher in with the load so I would have thought that would catch everything.

Brent was helping me pull out the laundry and he held up a pair of Ethan's pants and said, "Or was it these?"  Yeah, the pair of red pants with the cute little baseball on the butt that I had thought were so cute when Ethan wore them the other day were no longer cute!  I had sorted out my laundry into lights and darks but just threw all of Ethan's laundry in with the light load.  Apparently this was NOT a good idea.  I then spent the rest of the day trying to return my "whites" to their white status.  They are still not quite there but hopefully all of the dye will be removed soon! 

I don't think I'll ever again look at the cute little red baseball butt pants the same way...of course the baseball is now pink so perhaps it is best if Ethan just does not wear them anymore. ;)

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's all about the nose

As I was setting up this blog, I was wondering what I would possibly find to write about in my first post.  Since I am a multi-tasker I was also nursing my son, Ethan, at the same time.  I happened to glance down at him and what was coming out of his nose?  Milk!  Thank you Ethan for providing me a topic for my first post!

Now this isn't the first time that milk has come out of his nose.  However, last time it was just a little drop.  This time it was running out of his nose.  Before I had a child I never once thought about the fact that milk might possibly come out of their nose!  Being a parent enlightens you to all kinds of things you never imagined you'd find yourself seeing and doing.

Later in the day when Ethan was on his changing table I thought he was sounding a little stuffed up.  He has been suffering from his first cold/cough the past few days so he has been sneezing more than usual, which also means more stuff than usual flying out of his little nose.  The day he learns to cover up his sneezes will be wonderful!

We have this awesome tool called The Snot Sucker (by Nose Frida).  If you are parent of young children I definitely recommend it!  The Snot Sucker does exactly as its name implies - sucks the snot right out of your child's nose.  You stick one end in your child's nostril and the other end of the tube in your own mouth and the suck (don't worry there is a filter to separate you from sucking in any germs/snot!)  So after I had sucked the snot out of Ethan's nose I was happy knowing my little boy could breathe a little easier.  That is until I stopped and really thought about the snot I could see sitting in that tube and how it was incredibly gross!  Oh the things we do for our children to keep them healthy and happy!

Being a mother for the first time is teaching me new things each day it seems.  Yes, there are some gross days, frustrating days and tiring days, but there are also wonderful days and at the end of every day I have to stop and remember that God has given me the awesome responsibility of being a mother and a wife and for that I am truly grateful.

Well it is now Friday, October 15th so I should probably publish Thursday's post!  Just another thing I've learned being a mother...nothing ever gets done by when you want it to be done!  :)