Monday, November 15, 2010

It's almost that time of year...

It's almost that time of year when the Christmas cards start pouring in.  I've been thinking about where we should get our own family Christmas card through this year.  Last year I made them at Target, which was very fast and easy since I was still working there.  However, since I am no longer working (and find that having a baby means it is sometimes hard to go places exactly when I want!), I am thinking I'll just order our cards online this year.  That way they will be mailed right to me!    
I was looking through a friend's blog and came across a link for a great promotion through Shutterfly.  If you are a blogger as well, you might be interested in checking out the promotion too.  All you need to do is blog about Shutterfly's Holiday Card promotion and you'll receive 50 free cards!!!  How cool is that?!  I've been looking at the 2010 Christmas and Holiday Card options and there are so many cute ones it is going to be very hard to decide!!  Some of my faves are Christ Wishes, Christ is King, Nativity Blessing and Elegant Cross.  Now I just hope we can get a good family photo so we have something to put on our Christmas card!
P.S. For those of you that seem to always be late at sending your Christmas cards, Shutterfly also offers New Year's cards so that might be a better option for you!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love Shutterfly! The more you order, the more deals they'll give you. They also often have free shopping, etc.

    I'll have to blog about it to get my free cards. :)
