Saturday, November 6, 2010

I'm a little pea pod

Ethan went trick or treating for the first time last Sunday (Halloween).  He didn't really do so much "trick or treating"; it was more "lounging in the stroller" and "having Mom carry me."

When I bought his costume I just thought "Ethan's going to be a pea pod; he will be so cute!"  I didn't really think about the fact that a pea pod does not have legs, which meant strapping Ethan into his car seat while wearing the costume was pretty much impossible.  So Brent and I had to do a little costume dressing in the parking lot of West Acres. 

Unfortunately, I don't think Ethan loved his costume all that much, mainly because he wasn't able to kick in it.  I originally bought him a 0-3 month size.  However, when I tried to put that on him I realized it would not be long enough so I purchased a 3-6 month size.  I attempted to try it on him in advance but he kicked his legs so much during my attempt that I gave up figuring it would for sure fit him since he wouldn't even be 3 months old yet and the costume was 3-6 months, right?  Wrong.  Well, he fit into it, just to the very end of it! 

The head part of his pea pod costume was a little too big so it didn't want to stay up on its own and the body part of the costume was too short so Ethan couldn't kick and he LOVES doing that!  Thankfully we were only at the mall for about 30 minutes and then he got to take off his costume.

My nephews, Cooper and Cole, with Ethan...I think Ethan is wondering, "Where is my sucker?!"

Daddy and Mommy with Ethan...Brent and I decided to go trick or treating as made finding costumes really easy! 

Grandpa and Grandma Tang stopped by the mall to see the grandchildren!  Unfortunately, Ethan wasn't in a very smiley mood!  :(
All in all it was a pretty successful first attempt at trick or treating.  Let's hope next year (when Ethan's legs will probably be doing more walking than kicking!) will go just as well!! 

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